Complete K-8 NGSS Homeschool Science Curriculum with Lab Kits
Engage homeschoolers in a full year of hands-on inquiry-based learning with KnowAtom’s NGSS homeschool science programs. Our grade-specific packages deliver every single activity, lesson, material, and test tube you need to start teaching your elementary or middle school student immediately.

Full-Year Hands-On Science and Engineering Courses
With options to order kits for individual students in a home school setting or pods of multiple socially distanced students with a single teacher, you can pick lab kits in quantities of 1, 6, 8, or 12.
Our STEM curriculum is grade-level specific and designed for mastery of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) students will be held accountable for on state-level testing.
What Is Included In the Homeschool Science Program?
With every program, you’ll get a specific scope and sequence of phenomena-driven activities designed to engage students in scientific thinking, discussion, and planning. Inside every grade, you’ll get:
- One year of teacher access to the grade level of curriculum you’ve chosen.
- Hands-on materials kits that contain all consumable and durable materials for all lessons and units, according to the number of individual students you’ve selected.
- Grade-specific reading materials such as KnowAtom’s non-fiction reading text, which is certified at grade level by The Lexile® Framework for Reading. Early Elementary trade books and kindergarten vocabulary journals.
- Grade-specific science school supplies are offered as optional add-ons.
- Some grades have microscopes or stereoscopes which are offered as optional add-ons for those that may have their own.

What Makes Our K-8 Homeschool Science Curriculum and Kits Different?
Our programs are all hands-on, designed for mastery of the Next Generation Science Standards. With the same professional-grade curriculum and resources that KnowAtom provides top-performing schools, our units support you as the teacher with training, content background knowledge, exemplars, and answer keys.
Our instructional model is centered on helping students learn to think critically for themselves as they investigate, explore, and analyze concepts, predict outcomes; apply theories; and demonstrate how complex phenomena, systems, and cycles work.
Hear what teachers, parents and students are saying: